Order method

Browse the products we have available and find what you want to buy.

Click on the product you want to buy and the product page will open

Select the quantity you want and click “Add to Cart”.

The products you select will be added to your shopping cart.

You can choose to continue shopping if you want to add more items or “Proceed to Secure Checkout” with the items in your shopping cart.

To view your shopping cart, click on the shopping cart icon in the upper right corner of the page.

Click the “Proceed to Secure Payment” button to continue.

If you are one of our registered customers, please enter your login details to continue

If you are a new customer, register here with your contact details.

Select the delivery address to continue.

(After reviewing your order, click on (Confirm Order).

Why deliver in multiple shipments?

When your order contains products from different sellers, it will be delivered to you in multiple shipments, according to the delivery time of the product from each seller.

We may not be able to collect all the products ordered from each seller on the same day, because we have many sellers in different regions, so we deliver the products separately when we receive them from the sellers.

Don't worry! Your products will be delivered to you safely!

How can I know the expected delivery date for each product?

You can find out the expected delivery time for each product on the product page itself. We suggest you the order date and the expected delivery date.

Where can I find the expected delivery time?

On the product page